
Upper Body Archives - Get Fit Athletic Club

Learn Why and How to Keep a Straight Back While Doing Push-Ups

By | Health & Fitness | No Comments

Do you wish you looked like a hardcore Marine when you did push-ups, but instead, you really look like a single soggy noodle that’s been thrown on the floor? Keeping your back straight through many exercises is crucial, and the push-up is no exception. Unfortunately for us, we generally learn our push-up technique at school by someone screaming “1,2,3,4,5,6…” Many of us don’t understand how important a straight back is for this fundamental movement, and will forever view the push-up as a form of punishment. Read More

Pumping Iron: Weight Lifting Belts and When to Start Using Them

By | Health & Fitness | No Comments

The moment when you finally start to see results in the mirror after you’ve been lifting weights at the gym is always super satisfying. Weight lifting is an important part of a well-rounded fitness routine, whether you’ve decided that you want to bulk up, or you’ve been working on dropping some extra pounds. But just like any exercise that you attempt at the gym, injuries are common with weight lifting. With the right form, a good trainer and proper equipment (like weight lifting braces), you can avoid most injuries and save yourself the embarrassment of leaving the gym in an ambulance! Read More

Upper Body Circuit Training That Will Get You Shredded

By | Workouts | 3 Comments

Rocking the body of your dreams requires a lot of hard work and dedication at the gym and no fitness routine is complete without the proper upper body circuit training. The modern fit body is all about balance and while making sure you look good is important, your vanity should take a back seat to building strength. Upper body circuit training is a great way to mix cardio and strength training in a fast, 30-minute workout. Follow this helpful guide to build strength, burn fat, increase your endurance and better enjoy what you see in the mirror.
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