
exercise Archives - Get Fit Athletic Club


Get Outside, It’s Spring! Your Post-Work Outdoor Workout

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There’s nothing quite like walking outside to your car after a long day at work, only to be stopped in your tracks by a sudden (and pleasant!) realization: it’s still bright outside! After the wet winter we had, spring could not be a more welcome sight. As the weather slowly (we emphasize slowly) creeps to warmer and sunnier, why not take advantage by adding in an outdoor workout to your daily routine?

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resistance exercise

7 Resistance Band Exercises You Can Do Anywhere, Anytime

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Traveling soon? With a resistance band and a suitcase of simple exercises you have the makings for a full body workout wherever you go. Resistance tubing provides a muscular challenge that most forms of strength training don’t provide. The tubing allows you to focus on both the concentric (shortening) and eccentric (lengthening) phase of muscular movement. This can render good results when it comes to developing functional strength and hitting maximum muscle fibers to enhance sculpting.

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