It happens to the best of us. You reach for a box of cereal, and your back seizes up. Or you’re backing up your car and strain your neck while turning to look over your shoulder. Common injuries seem to come out of nowhere. That’s because muscular imbalances are future injuries just waiting for the perfect moment to pounce. Prevent injury by correcting spinal alignment and building strength in your upper back and core.
What do you do for a living? If you answered construction worker, landscaper, nursing aide, or any other type of work that requires a lot of lifting, walking, standing, and/or operating heavy equipment, then chances are you get a lot of physical activity in during your day job. Of course, even sedentary jobs pose their own challenges to the body (how many have had super sore backs after sitting all day?!). But physically demanding work can really take a toll. If you don’t look after your body, then you may be at risk for an acute or chronic injury that can disrupt your daily life and force you into disability and time off work.
So, make your health a top priority. Clearly, a big part of that includes regular exercise. But for those of us with physically demanding work, we may find ourselves way too exhausted at the end of the day to even think about going to the gym. Plus, with all the moving around we do at work, doesn’t it seem like we get enough exercise while we’re on the clock?
You might think that taking time off from the gym is anathema to someone who’s trying to stay healthy and fit. After all, we need discipline and consistency in our workout routine to get good results. Read More
If you love working out and do so regularly, then consider yourself a step ahead of 80% of the American population, who according to the CDC don’t get the recommended amount of daily physical activity. But even for those of who follow some sort of consistent routine, it’s worth asking ourselves whether there are things we may be doing that actually undermine our efforts. Stay on top of your fitness commitment with these pre-workout tricks.
There’s a reason they call it “runner’s high.” After all, how good does it feel to get back after a long run, drink some cold water, stretch, and simply appreciate what you can do with (and what you can do for) your body? Check out these 3 ways you can improve your outdoor running pace and achieve that feel-good feeling.
It might be time to harness your inner Ninja and grab some sticks to find your fit. Mobility stick workouts that incorporate long dowel-like rods are slowly, but surely garnering attention, and rightfully so. While it seems like it might be just another newfangled fitness craze, there are many reasons why you might want to take a look at what can be done with an unassuming, humble stick.
We’ve all been there during a workout: You’re breathing heavy. Your heart is pounding. You’re sweating, your muscles are burning, you’re maybe feeling a little unsure of yourself…and pretty soon, you start hearing this little voice in your head, saying something like this: You look ridiculous. You can’t do this. Why are you even trying? S/he’s so much better than you. You don’t have to try so much. Go ahead, ease up. Just give up. It’s too hard. Insert “blah-blah-blah” hand motion here.
Vacation season is right around the bend! You workout regularly, you eat healthily, and you’re right on track with your fitness goals. So, how on earth do you stay that way during vacation time with all the great restaurants and other temptations that might impede on your healthy lifestyle? Read More
You’re gung-ho about your fitness goals, but on a Friday at five, you find you’re a lonely heart trying to explain to your gang why you’re headed to the gym to work your hammies and do some HIIT, instead of hitting happy hour to get hammered. You’re reshaping your lifestyle. Read More
Allergies kinda stink. For people who struggle with spring allergies, it’s a little like getting kicked when you’re down. After all, we just made it through a cold winter. Read More