There’s something appealing about a blank slate and a fresh start. Most of us find it rather easy to set a goal to improve upon certain area(s) on January 1. And if you’re like most, you find yourself having difficulty sticking to your New Year’s resolutions for more than a month.
Why is that? Why do we set goals that are too difficult to keep? Why do we start January on fire but seem to lose most if not all of this motivation by February? Let’s go over some of my top insights into sticking to your resolutions. I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired. And I know you probably can empathize. Let’s get down to the bottom of the intangible New Year’s resolution debacle and learn how to stick to a quality 2019.
5 Tips That Will Help You Stick to Your 2019 New Year’s Resolutions
Set quantifiable goals:
As a trainer, I often start the first session with a client by asking them what their goals are. Often they will answer me with general statements such as, “I want to lose weight.” “I want to get stronger.” “I want to have more confidence.” Don’t get me wrong—these are very positive goals, and I’ve set these types of general goals on numerous occasions. But I recommend that you set quantifiable or measurable goals.
As a licensed therapist and personal trainer, I tend to stick to the “S” part of the SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, results-based and time-specific) acronym. S-Specific: Define specific goals that can be measured, assessed and/or weighed. It’s easy to find happiness if you’re noticing a general improvement in fitness, but if you are actually able to measure your results weekly or monthly, you’ll experience a positive driving effect on your motivation and be better able to assess how well you’re progressing toward your final goal. Sticking to your New Year’s resolutions requires markers or checkpoints to keep you on the right track.
Break it down:
Everyone knows how to set a goal. Not everyone knows how to get there. And often I find that people set goals without having any idea how to get started. This will usually leave people overwhelmed and without a contingency plan when life gets a bit stressful. If you set a goal, I recommend that you break it down into several steps that depend on each other. Get your thoughts down on paper, try to arrange them in an order that builds up in a systematic or progressive manner, and make sure you acknowledge when you are accomplishing the steps in your action plan.
Set realistic goals:
I’m a curvy, athletic woman. If I set a goal of losing weight this year to the point that I could be a runway model, I will only be setting myself up for major disappointment. My body is meant to have muscle and curves. However, if I set a goal to define my muscle, gain strength in certain areas and improve my agility, these are tangible goals that assist me in sticking to resolutions. Identify your body type, genetic makeup, success rate, support system, etc. and create resolutions that are within your reach.
Know your why:
Why are you setting these resolutions? If you’re setting goals based on a breakup, a recent job termination or a disappointment experienced by someone close to you, I highly doubt that this is a sufficient reason to carry your resolution out to fruition. When you base your goals on internal motivation, such as improving yourself, health, strength, and overall happiness, you’ll be able to carry out your goals with little to no difficulty. Don’t base your goals on someone else’s approval or acceptance. This is an uncontrollable situation no matter how hard you work in the gym.
Ask for help:
I have a job for a reason. There are a lot of qualified trainers out there who can help you. Nutritionists, strength and conditioning specialists, physical therapists, dietitians, and various other fitness and health professionals are highly qualified in helping make your resolutions into achievable goals. You don’t have to take on this new year alone. We love to help and can assist you in your fight for a healthier self. Sticking to your New Year’s resolutions could involve a team, and delegation and seeking advice is a fantastic way to have a healthy, fit 2019.
Sticking to your New Year’s resolutions is a “sticky” battle, but it’s doable and manageable. Ask for help, break it down, find your “why,” create measurable and manageable steps, and you will undoubtedly find more success than in previous years. Wishing you the healthiest and most successful journey in 2019 when it comes to sticking to your resolutions. We are cheering you on!