Smart Start


Getting started on your fitness journey can be a daunting mission. We can help. Sign up today and set yourself up for success.


“Hi my name is Alicia I have been working out with Britian Foster since March 3rd, 2014. I am already down 28 pounds in under 2 months. I am so excited about the results I have had working with her and I can't wait to see what is next!!!”

Alicia Sanders

“My trainer is a slave driver! BUT, I love her. She knows exactly what I need and how far to push me. I am well on my way to meeting my goals. I couldn’t do it without Amber.”

Amanda Durham

“I have been working with Kristen for approximately 8 weeks and have benefitted more from her knowledge than my own desperate attempt to get into shape for the last few years... I would recommend her to anyone.”

Jerry Bridges

“When I started I knew little about how to use any of the gym equipment, let alone what an actual workout and a healthy diet looked like. Through working with Travis I was able to gain the tools I needed to understand the benefits of strengths training...”

Tara Johnson